Reception Hotel Karnerhof
Here's what our guests have to say.

Guest reviews for the 4-star Hotel Karnerhof.

Personal recommendations are not only a sign of appreciation, but also a result of our heartfelt hospitality. That is why we are very happy whenever our guests take the time to express how much they enjoyed their stay with us. The opinions of our guests are vital to us. They form the basis for the future direction of our business and lay the groundwork for innovative, guest-oriented innovations. That's why your praise is so gratifying. It motivates us to live up to our own high standards of quality, day after day.

But we also appreciate customer testimonials that offer honest criticism: these help us to improve. On this page you'll find a selection of current reviews from Holidaycheck, the largest German-language hotel review portal. These are joined by reviews from TrustYou, the world's largest feedback platform, which combines millions of hotel reviews, guest surveys and social media comments into a single meta rating.

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