The lake terrace at the Karnerhof on Lake Faaker See.
Where's the most beautiful, the most relaxed and the best place to enjoy a meal? It's where the eye gets tempted as much as the palate: on the Karnerhof terrace with its unique lake view!
Even the breakfast cappuccino tastes especially relaxed when you have the Mittagskogel gently reflected in the morning light of turquoise Lake Faaker See. Lunch is equally enchanting, with the Caribbean blue-green adding a cool touch to the midday heat. And events on the lakeside terrace continue ... The snack at 4:00 pm also tastes particularly fresh and delicious with the lake view. And the same lake panorama provides a magnificent backdrop for our daily 5-course dinner starting at 6:30 pm.
Even when the hotel is "full house", the spacious hotel lake terrace offers seating with a lake view for all of our guests - many of them sheltered. The terrace is poised regally above above Lake Faaker See. Surrounded by the Karawank mountains, your gaze is magically drawn to the summit of the Mittagskogel, only to slowly drop back down to the gleaming lake. It's like a continuous loop from a home movie, creating new memories out of the delights you experience here.